Late Arrival to School

Punctuality is a vital aspect of the discipline at Mahatma Gandhi International School (MGIS). We request all parents to:

  • Ensure Timely Arrival: Parents should make sure that their wards reach the school premises before the start time of 8:50 AM.
  • Strict Monitoring: Late arrivals disrupt the class and will be strictly monitored. Repeated lateness may result in disciplinary actions as per school policies.

Absence from School

Regular attendance is crucial for the consistent academic and personal growth of students. Our guidelines for absences are as follows:

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Mandatory Attendance: Students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. Unnecessary absenteeism without a valid reason is discouraged.
  • Parental Responsibility: Parents should ensure that their children understand the importance of consistent attendance and punctuality.

Communication in Case of Absence

  • Informing the School: In unforeseen circumstances leading to absence, parents must inform the class teacher and the school office promptly.
  • Leave Requests: Necessary entries should be made in the leave request section of the student handbook, stating the reason for absence.

Academic Catch-Up

  • Making Up Missed Work: Parents must ensure that their ward completes all missed classwork and homework due to absence.
  • Preparation for Tests: Students should be prepared for weekly tests upon their return. Parents should assist in revising missed lessons.

Leave After Assessments

  • No Short Leave Post-Assessments: Short leaves will not be granted immediately after assessments.
  • Health Concerns: If a student is unwell, they should remain at home to recover fully.
  • Sick Policy: Students who are ill are not permitted to appear for assessments to ensure their health and prevent the spread of illness to others.

Monitoring Progress

  • Regular Checks: Parents are encouraged to daily check their child's:
  • Report cards
  • Teacher's remarks in classwork and homework notebooks
  • Entries in the student handbook
  • Stay Connected: Maintain regular communication with the school to monitor your child's academic progress and well-being.

By adhering to these guidelines, parents and the school can work together to provide a stable and effective learning environment for all students at MGIS. Your cooperation is highly valued and contributes significantly to your child's success.

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