Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations are designed to ensure a structured, disciplined, and effective learning environment at Mahatma Gandhi International School (MGIS).

School Handbook

  • Every student must affix their photograph and fill in the required information in the student handbook, which must be signed by their parent or guardian.
  • Students are required to carry their student handbook to school every day.
  • The student handbook serves as a vital means of communication between the school and parents.
  • Entries made by the school should be brought to the notice of the parents by the students.
  • Parents are encouraged to make entries in the handbook when necessary, ensuring proper communication with the school.


  • Students must be present on the first and last working day of every term.
  • A minimum of 75% attendance is required to qualify for promotion to the next grade.
  • Students achieving 100% attendance will be honored with a Role of Honour and an Award.
  • Students with attendance below 75% may only appear for term exams with the Principal’s recommendation and are not eligible for awards.

Leave Policy

Short Leave
  • Prior permission must be obtained from the class teacher using the prescribed format in the student handbook.
  • Short leave (one or two days) will only be granted for valid reasons.
Sick Leave
  • Sick leave exceeding three days must be supported by a doctor’s certificate from a registered medical practitioner, confirming that the student is fit to resume classes.
Repeated Absence
  • Absence without prior information for more than five consecutive days may result in the student’s name being removed from the school rolls.
  • Re-admission is at the sole discretion of the Principal.
Emergency Leave
  • Short leave during school hours due to emergencies (parental calls or illness during school) will only be approved by the Principal at their discretion.

By adhering to these rules, we ensure a harmonious and efficient school environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

Code of Conduct

To maintain a disciplined, respectful, and safe environment conducive to learning, Mahatma Gandhi International School (MGIS) has established the following code of conduct. All students are expected to adhere to these guidelines both inside and outside the classroom.

Outside the Classroom

  • Students must maintain dignity, decorum, and good behavior at all times.
  • Respect for elders and staff is mandatory. Students should address them as Madam, Miss, Sir, or Ma’am.
  • In the play area, students should exhibit sportsmanship and teamwork. Grievous injuries to peers during play must be avoided.

Electronic Gadgets and Objects

  • Prohibited Items: Students are not allowed to bring sharp objects (e.g., knives, blades) or any items that may cause harm.
  • Electronic Gadgets: Items like mobile phones, iPods, cameras, CDs, USB drives, and toys are not permitted on campus or on the school bus unless specified for special activities. Such items, when allowed, must be deposited in the school office.
  • Strict action, including termination, will be taken against students found using drugs or intoxicants.

Medical Dispensation

  • Parents must inform the class teacher if a student requires medication during school hours.
  • A copy of the medical prescription should be attached in the school handbook for reference. All medicines must be submitted to the school front office for administration.

Entry and Exit from Classroom

  • Students must seek permission from the teacher to leave the classroom during or between class hours.
  • Entry and exit from classrooms must be conducted in an orderly manner. Students are expected to leave only during intervals/breaks or at the end of the school day unless granted permission otherwise.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, students contribute to a disciplined, respectful, and harmonious learning environment at MGIS.

In the Classroom

Behavior and Language
  • Students must listen attentively to classroom instructions and avoid causing disturbances.
  • Use of ambiguous or foul language, bullying, teasing, or verbal/physical abuse is strictly prohibited.
  • Communication on campus must be exclusively in English, except during language classes.
Materials and Cleanliness
  • Students must bring required books, notebooks, and stationery daily as per the timetable. Borrowing of items is not allowed.
  • Classrooms must be kept clean and organized. Waste materials should only be disposed of in designated bins. Activities like scribbling, writing, or splashing ink on walls or desks are prohibited.
Eating and Drinking
  • Eating food in class during lessons is not allowed. Drinking water requires the teacher’s permission.
  • Class parties and gift distribution are not permitted on campus. For birthdays, a simple toffee may be distributed to classmates.
Property Damage
  • Damage to school property will result in penalties, including shared responsibility by the class if the miscreant is untraceable.
  • 20 points will be added as a penalty for property damage.
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